Humans of Dalian - Elena Marco(中英文版)

The Team dalianlaowai

Elena Marco

Masters student from Dalian University of Technology 

Independent musician from Barcelona, Spain.

Elena Marco



I arrived in China in September 2013, originally to study Chinese language at DUT for one year, but on realizing that learning Chinese properly was going to take far more than that, I decided to stay longer to get masters degree in Applied Linguistics while pursuing my musical dream with The Lazy Dreamers and later with Sour Bounty. 

2013年9月份,我来到了中国,原本计划再大连理工大学学习一年中文的,但在过程中我发现要想学好中文,一年的时间是远远不够的,因此我决定攻读应用语言学的硕士学位,同时还能和The Lazy Dreamers,以及后来的Sour Bounty,一同追随我的音乐梦想。

I have recently released a compilation album called Arts & Crafts and Frankensteins with songs I have been writing and recording in the last few years. As a solo singer-songwriter, my artistic name is Hel – short for Helen, which has been my nickname since my teens. I started writing songs at the age of 16 and have been in an out of bands and musical projects since moved to Barcelona from my hometown, Mallorca, to attend college when I was 18. 


Apart form my solo project, I am also the guitarist and singer of the duo Sour Bounty, which  started a couple of years ago with a classmate from DUT, Vincent Searfoss (banjo player, USA). 

我不仅是一名独立歌手,还是Sour Bounty乐队的主唱兼吉他手(Sour Bounty乐队,几年前由Vincent Searfoss在理工大学创立)。

My songs have a strong focus on vocals. My lyrics, mostly written in English (although have a few in my native language and have recently started using Chinese as well) are my way to make sense of own human experience, and therefore are deeply personal and honest. 


Experience in this country has been, and still is, highly stimulating, with lots to do, lots to learn and plenty of people to care for. 


